三言财经是中国领先的区块链和数字货币领域内容提供商,在这里,我们汇集行业最权威的声音,为用户提供国内外区块链和数字货币第一手资讯、数据、投资策略等服务。 三言财经由资深财经媒体人士创办,我们秉持媒体的公正、中立和专业态度,致力于帮助中国投资者看见世界,看清行业趋势和发展,做出更理性的投资决策。 Sanyan Blockchain is a Chinese digital media and information services company specializing on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. At Sanyan, we dedicates to providing latest news, data and investment suggestion for our readers by investigating blockchain technology and reporting authoritative voices from the industry. Founded by a group of senior business-focused reporters in 2017, Sanyan's mandate is to deliver insightful information to Chinese investors and blockchain/cryptocurrency enthusiasts as well as to connect global community.